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Manage external Juju controllers

Register the Juju controller

As a prerequisite, perform the following steps in existing Juju controller

Adding the Juju user will generate a registration token which is required to register the Juju controller in the MicroStack deployment.

To register the controller in MicroStack use the register-controller command:

sunbeam juju register-controller NAME TOKEN

NAME is an arbitrary name to refer the Juju controller in MicroStack.

TOKEN is the registration token generated during Juju user creation.

For example, to register an existing controller with the name prod-controller-01 using a token generated as detailed above:

sunbeam juju register-controller prod-controller-01 \

Unregister the Juju controller

To unregister the controller in MicroStack use the unregister-controller command:

sunbeam juju unregister-controller NAME

For example, to unregister an existing controller with the name prod-controller-01:

sunbeam juju unregister-controller prod-controller-01

Last updated 6 months ago. Help improve this document in the forum.