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Heather Ellsworth
on 1 November 2022

What to Expect at the Ubuntu Summit 2022

As the Ubuntu Summit draws near, we have an update to share with you all. We have a new timetable that can help you plan your days. There are some pretty neat people coming too! If you can’t participate in-person this year, we completely understand. That is why we have remote participation in mind as well. So read on to check out the updates in more detail!

Timetable & Rooms

There is a timetable now available on the website! This timetable will help you plan your days so you are sure to not miss key events. There are 7 rooms being used in parallel:

Ballroom. This is the main plenary room, it can hold all in-person participants. Here is where we’ll be live streaming the event remotely. We’ve made some deliberate decisions on what content to put into this room that we hope you will enjoy.

Karlin. Here we have four smaller rooms that we will use for a mix of 25 and 50 minute sessions. As we unfortunately cannot live stream every room, we will be recording the content from these rooms so that we can share them later on.

Palmkova. These two rooms will be holding workshops for a hands-on Ubuntu experience. Presenters will be showing you how to do something practical, either on your laptop, a connected device, or a robot. Given the more hands-on focused nature of these sessions, they will unfortunately not be recorded.

Notable events to not miss

Here are some key figures you’ll get to meet at this year’s Ubuntu Summit!

We also have some evening activities planned for those of you that can make it in-person:

  • Kinetic Knitting — Are you a purveyor of fine yarns? Do you knit or wish you did? Would you like to `craftctl default` together? Even if you are not a physical crafter (knitting, crochet, painting, anything), feel free to join us and just hang out!
  • Game Night — Bring your favourite board game to share with friends or come learn a new game! There will also be other forms of (video) game entertainment.
  • Closing Party — Oh you’re going to love this..: live-music, buffet, beverages.. the perfect way to close the Ubuntu Summit!

How to register for remote participation

Can’t go in-person this year? No big deal, you can still participate remotely! Online participation is free so come join the fun. Register today to make sure you don’t miss out, and stay up to date!

Register Remotely, For Free

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