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on 3 February 2011

Dell releases OpenManage 6.4 for Ubuntu

In the spring of 2010, members of the Ubuntu development team worked with Dell to build and test OpenManage 6.3 for Ubuntu. Several of our engineers took several weeks working with Dell Linux engineers to build out a process for ensuring:
– all of the dependencies were met,
– helped get the Dell Linux team up to speed on the Ubuntu packaging policy,
– provided assistance during the build process,
– and reviewed the packages when they were built.
This effort resulted in the release in late July 2010 of Dell OpenManage 6.3 for Ubuntu.

Since last summer, The Dell Linux team continues to work on improvements to OpenManage and subsequently released both a 64 bit and 32 bit version of the Dell OpenManage 6.4 release for Ubuntu in mid January 2011. For more information on this release see Prudhvi Tella’s blog entry.If you are using Dell Poweredge Servers, you can find the latest deb from Dell’s Community Linux repository using these instructions .

Finally, if you are using Dell Poweredge Servers and Ubuntu, please reach out to your Dell sales representative and insist on receiving proper support for Ubuntu with Dell OpenManage. Customer feedback directly to the manufacturer is the best way to get Ubuntu properly represented.

Published on behalf on John Pugh, Software Partner Manager

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